Thursday, May 15, 2014

Anne Frank Huis

Today we went to the Anne Frank Museum...and we obviously couldn't take pictures outside, but I did snap a few while we were in the queue to go inside...

There aren’t really going to be any jokes in this post for obvious reasons.  The Museum is actually the house where Anne and her family hid from persecution before they were eventually captured and sent to the concentration camps...

It was very surreal, and honestly a little difficult to walk through the tiny rooms where all 8 of them hid for so long.  It is sad to think that all this happened not that long ago but I think its important to remember that things like this have happened and to pay respects, no matter how difficult it might personally feel...

To see the actual diary that she wrote is kind of mind-blowing.  The thoughts of this one little girl have been read the world over, and it exists for eternity as a reminder of what happened during World War II. 

Needless to say after leaving the Museum none of us are in a particularly happy mood so we are just going to take a quiet stroll around town.  That’s all for now, more later. 

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