Saturday, May 10, 2014

And This Is What Really Happened!

So much like one of my favorite movies, Clue, starring the brilliant Madeline Kahn, things today weren't always how they appeared.  So based off the previous post, it was shenånigån-paløøzå, which may have happened that way, but here is what REÅLLY happened!

Things started similarly, we all hopped on the train to head to the Fjørds...

But that is pretty much where the real story takes a completely different and slightly more Bjøring türn...

This happened øne secønd after the train left the station...

This was five minutes later...

And five minutes after that...


Sooo I had to entertain myself as best I could.  So there were sunshine selfies while they slept through it all...

And then freaking freezing snowy selfies as the train climbed higher and higher up, and they slept lønger and lønger...

Eventually they all woke up, but that was mainly because we had to change trains in Myrdal to head to Flåm, or as Jeff likes to call it Blåm...

Now that they were awake, the bits started...

But I think Jon might have been tired still because he tried to take a group shot of us, but it ended up just being of me.  Yay, secret selfie!!

But really everything up here is beautiful.  This is some waterfall, or wåterfåll, I sort of wasn't really paying attention.  And no it wasn't because I was too busy taking selfies, (although, it may look like that) I was trying to just enjoy the scenery because who knows when I will ever get to Nørway again...


After switching trains in Myrdal, we headed back down to a lower elevation, to a city called Flåm.  There was no snow, but it was still freaking freezing, but it is still spectacular.  Nørway made some amazing things, the Fjørd-lands (I don't think that's a word) being one of them...

Once we were there we had a few hours till our cruise back to Bergen left, so we decided to grab some food and have lunch at a picnic table right by the water (what body of water you ask...absolutely no there a Nørway Sea, Sea øf Nørway....uhh)

It was lovely and the local brew totally hit the spot...

After lunch we strolled around Flåm, and by strolled we pretty much did bits while people looked at us like morons.  Which is basically how most people look at us anyway, so no big deal...

A few hours later we hopped on our cruise for the 6 hour boat ride back to Bergen, but lets be realistic, we are operating like its a 3 hour tour! Gilligan's Island? Anyone? Hello? Is this thing on?

Okay, I'm sure I could come up with some witty things to say going for the rest of this section, but there really isn't a reason, the pictures speak for themselves...

Without further ado, I present a ∏Óøtø Ésßßå¥...

I really can't describe just how breathtaking today really was, it's one of those moments that you will look back on and cherish forever, it was just amazing and gorgeous everywhere that you looked.  I definitely want to come back and explore more of Norway.

It has been a wonderful few days, but sadly we have to go tomorrow.  But it's not all sadsies because we are heading to Copenhagen in the morning to go to Eurovision!

We are all getting pretty excited to head to Eurovision tomorrow...

But seeing as I didn't have a nap today, I think the full day of Fjørding finally caught up with me! Whømp!

Nørway you have been amazing, until we meet again!

Now we are off to some dodgy gay bar to watch the Eurovision Semifinal so we are ready for tomorrow!

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